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E-zone School of Computing

What Are You Up To In This Lock-down?

During this period of lock-down,the young people especially the teenagers have to be keen on their lives although it seems that there is much freedom and leisure time.

You have to watch the company you keep. In that I mean, those people whom you spend most of your time / conduct with make sure that they don’t mislead you but give you the right way.

Mind about the movies you are watching because some  movies  can affect your brain and get an addiction like pornography. So I recommend you to watch educative movies which can make positive changes in your lives.

Manage your free time wisely and efficiently because when you misuse your  leisure time  when doing  evil things it will lead to problems so it’s better when you try out the following;

  • Help your parents with housework
  • Read the Bible
  • Try out some physicals in order to be healthy

You also have to make sure that you make books your daily meal in order to prevent forgetting what you learnt previously. You can also join study groups where you can consult from and get more wore work.

Above all, observe the SOP’s that is to say;

  • Avoid crowds
  • Always mask up
  • Sanitize regularly
  • Wash your hands with soap and water

Thank you!

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